Yoga Travel Postures - Standing Forward Fold

Standing forward fold, or uttanasana in Sanskrit, is one of the many hatha yoga poses that exudes complete surrender. While traveling, whether it be a vacation, work trip, or yoga travel retreat, moving from one place to another causes both physical and mental stress. By reversiving the effects of gravity and allowing your spine to lengthen and release in this posture, you are essentially giving your body a release of physical and mental tension, resulting in decreased stress and pain.

Physically, the muscles of the back, hips, and legs begin to tighten as they are likely being held stagnant over extended periods of time either sitting in a small place or standing. This is especially true with stagnant sitting positions commonly held during long distance travel. When on the road, mentally, your mind starts to gather stressors in the form of timetables and the to-do list you've planned for yourself upon arrival at your destination. These stressors will form into long-term mental formations (samskaras). In Yogic philosophy, mental fluctuations that are not completely 'digested' by the intellect begin to manifest in the body as pain or 'blockages.' These blockages will continue to haunt you if not released.

Enter uttanasana: standing forward fold, a posture taught at virtually any yoga travel retreat or studio. This posture is one of the many hatha yoga poses that yields benefits for both the body and mind. Forward fold is an inversion, in which the heart is elevated over the head. This serves to balance the intelligence of the heart and the mind, which is much needed because of our forward thinking culture.

To perform standing forward fold, stand tall with your feet facing directly forward, with hip-distance apart from each other. Place the hands on the hips and slowly begin to bend forward at the hips, keeping a straight back. Keep descending the head while maintaining a straight spine. Once you've met your edge of stretching sensation, release the hands towards the floor. Hold for 10 deep breaths.

The posture stretches entire backside of body, elongates the spine, and increases flexibility. Internally, it massages the organs and tones the liver, spleen, and kidneys. In forward fold blood circulation is increased to the legs, torso, and brain.

Many hatha yoga poses embody the concept of "surrender" and standing forward fold is no exception. There is no need to push yourself any further. Simply melt down, and let gravity do its work. At your next travel excursion or yoga travel experience, make an intention to practice uttanasana as the stresses of travel will be soothed away

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