Alcohol - a Social Evil


The effects of alcohol can be broadly categorized as:

Personal level 

This would include physiological and psychological problems associated with alcoholism

Family level

The family members of the alcoholic become victims of alcohol themselves as the irrational erratic behavior of the alcoholic emotionally affects them especially the wife and children. They get caught in a situation where they are completely lost - living with a stranger. I would like to call the alcoholic a stranger as he is a stranger to the feelings and emotions of his own people. He isn't bothered about what they want and what they expect. It also affects the budget of the family. The entire setup of family breaks. Despite poverty in many cases the men or women addicted to alcohol spend all the money they have to get cheap liquor and end up in situations of violence, sexual harassment, unreasonable demands and ruining their children's lives.

Social level

The social effects of alcohol are but obvious. A person who cannot think on his own, who isn't himself, who does not belong to his family, who fails to bring up his children in the right manner and whose contribution to society is zero can definitely be termed as a burden on society.

Alcoholism has to be treated not only for the sake of the alcoholic but also for his family and society. There are various rehabilitation centres across the world where it can be treated. Awareness has to be created regarding the same. Proper medication, yoga, self-awareness and most important of all love and affection can help us in the long run in our fight against this social evil.

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