Artificial Hymen Surgery

Consider the possibility that you lose your virginity, is there any way that you could get it back. Truly, you can get back your virginity by getting an artificial hymen strip or undergo a hymen reconstruction medical procedure. Among the two, a fake hymen strip stands apart to be the most ideal alternative as far as safety and budget.

This is a clinical process of sewing a broken hymen. Medicinally known as hymenoplasty, this medical procedure includes post-surgery swelling and less pain that can keep going for two or three weeks.

Restoring a broken hymen can be an approach to reestablish confidence among young ladies who had lost their virginity because of a sports injuries or premarital intercourse. A hymenoplasty clinical methodology has less side and is done to reconstruct a broken hymen.

Types of Surgeries

  • General Surgery

This clinical procedure is done when there are the remaining parts of broken hymen that was harmed because of sex or extensive stretching exercise. A specialist will line the rest of the hymen together. You will be put on general sedation and the medical procedure won't keep going for over 40 minutes.

  • Allopant Surgery

This a complex medical procedure that a specialist surgeon will suggest when there is no current broken hymen tissue accessible to be sewed. In this clinical procedure, the specialist will insert a biomaterial into the vagina that will act as tear-through or hymen. It takes 2 hours for this kind of medical procedure to finish.

  • Hymen Reconstruction Surgery

In this clinical procedure, a specialist will create anew hymen utilizing tissues from the lip of your vagina. This is a definitive route in clinical science that can assist you with getting your virginity back. Your specialist will likewise suggest that you don't have sex for the following three months after medical procedure.

  • Can Hymen Reconstruction Surgery Regain Virginity?

Hymen reproduction medical procedure doesn't actually bring back virginity since it doesn't ensure that you may bleed again. Since the actual fact that a woman doesn't need to bleed on her first intercourse is valid, most women utilize this medical procedure to prove a point to their spouses or friends and family. So how would you know whether your significant other or adored one has experienced a hymen recreation medical procedure? You can see a stitch mark adjoining vaginal tissues in the center.

  • Home Remedies

You can't normally recover your virginity. There are items sold in the market that can help counterfeit virginity, for example, stips with blood colored connections. Some natural cures that can help in good vaginal health include the use Gooseberry and Aloe vera. These are rich in vitamin C and have a history in being used as a natural healer. These will help in regaining elasticity as well as vaginal infections.

  • The Takeaway

In the case that you've lost your virginity, you can in any case get it back by usingartificial hymen strips that help in persuading your loved ones that you are still a virgin. In addition, it is suggested that you don't use a fake hymen if you have a vaginal disease, pregnant, lactating and menstruating.


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Benefits of Yoga For sustaining the Good Healthy Lifestyle


Yoga position Relieve from depression, stress, and tension required regular practice of yoga. Yoga is the best exercise to get rid from the disease.

Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word meaning join or unite. This implies union between body, mind and soul of the individual to achieve the good health and well being. There are 8 disciplines of yoga which includes

1. Asanas - practice of the yoga postures or position.

2. Dharana- concentration or focus

3. Dhyana- meditation

4. Pranayama- Breathing technique

5. Niyama- Principles of self conduct: purity, self-surrender and satisfaction.

6. Samadhi- the state of higher consciousness where the individual dissolves in the meditation

7. Yama- Universal ethics like sexual restraint, non-stealing, truthfulness, non-violence.

8. Pratyahara- Control of Sense

These are the disciplines of yoga but if person do regular practice of yoga position, meditation and breathing technique. He will get rid from all disease like depression, stress, back pain, high blood pressure, obesity etc.

The yoga position or postures can be classified into the seven categories like

1. Standing yoga position - Chair Position, Eagle Position

2. Forward bends - Child's Position

3. Sitting yoga position - lotus position, Bound Angle Position

4. Lying position -- Corpse position, Fish Position

5. Twisting yoga position

6. Upside down yoga position

7. Back bending yoga position

Research proved that regular practice of yoga position, breathing techniques has many benefits like weight reduction, blood pressure normalize, immune power increase, increase of concentration, increase flexibility of body, detoxification of body system. Scientific experiement proved that yoga and breathing exercise relieve stress, tension and calm the body. breathing exercise is the most effective exercise to control the asthama, depression and cool the nervous system.

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Roots origin of Yoga


Who the first yogi really was is lost in the sands of time, but when we learn the history of Yoga the roots can be traced as long as 5000 years back

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